The Horses

Mya Pony

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Mya Pony

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"Handsome Boy" Chase

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Chase eyeballing the camera

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Where's the treat?

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Is this food?

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MJ (Emma Jean) looking for whatever Chase is getting

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Wanted: Chin Scratch, will trade for lots of horse crap

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Mya Pony looking for grain

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The Perfect Gentleman Horse

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Did I mention he's a ham?

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This is a different picture, he's doing it again

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Horsey Whatever

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Hay storage shed

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Didn't have to mow all summer (the tire is over water spigots to prevent injury to horses)

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The mud pit

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Horses through the sliding glass door ( MJ's ass end with the cool spot showing)

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The Whole Clan, except Orange Kitty. Mya (left) and Chase (right) top (horses), Bonney (left), MJ (white/black), Butch (all black) and Clyde (closest brindle with green collar) if you can see them through that filthy slider...

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