This is the Deck that Marty built with some help from the Design Team & Mr. Grey

deck pic The Design Team.
deck pic Old deck minus astro turf with sloped yard and tilted walkway.
deck pic View from door with last of artificial turf.
deck pic Removing the old deck, mostly rotten and not salvagable.
deck pic Clyde is, um....
deck pic The wood is delivered. I expected a fork lift but the whole load was dropped from a tilt bed truck at full tilt and as I heard the splitting of wood as the load dropped my heart sank. The delivery man is an idiot. The amount of unuseable wood due to the delivery is out of line. I am not mentioning names until I know the outcome, I think they will make it right.
deck pic Wanted to level out the yard enough for an above ground pool and get rid of old, tilted cement walkway so my friend spent a little grooming time.
deck pic Brian is an artist. He cleared the old walkways around the house and fences flawlessley.
deck pic I am the bearded one, a neighbor stopped by and dug a hole to help. It has been pretty dry so far.
deck pic The hat reads "NO BEER, NO WORK".
deck pic Found a bit of a problem on the exposed post and cut out the rotten part.
deck pic Supported the wall with a camper jack and I am cleaning it up.
deck pic I also found this cracked post set on an unlevel block. Leveled the block and replaced the post.
deck pic The crack and the post half off the block.
deck pic Another view. Note the insulation falling down, bad dog Butch! Another project for another day.
deck pic Rusted out bracket and rotten bottom with my missing fingertips.
deck pic Finishing the cut with a handsaw.
deck pic You can clearly see the footing I had to work with.
deck pic Replaced rotten post with cement pillar (after removing rusted post holder).
deck pic Mr. Grey is doing a preliminary inspection.
deck pic The first posts for the first beam.
deck pic New ledger boards in porch area. You can just see the 4x4 post I added for support of ledger/joist boards.
deck pic Can you find the post holders? Look closely! There are 4...
deck pic The first beam (2 2x10 nailed every 12 inches staggered from opposite sides)
deck pic Here you can see the nailed beam bolted to the posts.
deck pic Smee.
deck pic Cutting posts.
deck pic It's taking shape. The beams are done and I am checking the layout of the joists.
deck pic Will work for food!!
deck pic More progress. The pier block center front is adjustable in height via a wedge shaped 2x10 to counter for any future settling.
deck pic Right side 45 deg. corner.
deck pic Replaced skirting and vent. Forgot to shoot pics of re-leveled pier block and post. Also added an additional pier block where ledger is attached to house addition as well as a 4x4 support post for the outside wall framing to support side ledger board. Nothing was attached to the old trailer part of house. The jack at the bottom is a 30 ton and was used to jack up the house.
deck pic I used 2x10 for the outside joists and the ones running to the front door. (Heaviest traffic area).
deck pic Time to extend the joists. Note the help.
deck pic Where's the bacon?
deck pic Where did that gut come from?
deck pic My doggerz, the Clyde.
deck pic Good Boy!
deck pic The footing for the stairs. Last time I made stairs I used a poorly prepared gravel footing and had to mess with it several times to get it to sit properly. That is a mistake I will never make again. Gravel tamped firm topped with sand tamped firm then poured the cement. The wood form will be removed and then fill the edges with gravel. The pad is level lengthwise but tilted for drainage.
deck pic My design team.
deck pic The pergola posts are up. The rain has come. Using hay to combat the mud.
deck pic The bench/rail 2x10s and one of the stair posts. The wind chimes were made by my grandfather Edgar. Yes it is raining. Here in the Pacific Northwest we have a saying....
"If you don't do it in the rain, You don't do it."
The radio is covered with plastic.
deck pic Mr. Orange has arrived to inspect my work.
deck pic He is very meticulous.
deck pic Where's the mouse?
deck pic A view from the front. It might not look it, but it's all nut on level. (there is a board leaning against the pergola post that is not level)
deck pic Spooky picture of Mr. Orange.
deck pic Mr. Orange decided he wasn't leaving until he bagged a mouse.
deck pic Finally getting the stringers cut and half set before our next bout of nasty weather. Only six of the ten stringers pictured are mounted to the beam. The remaining four will mount on a cross-piece.
deck pic The bench taking shape.
deck pic More stair stringer pictures. Nice wide treads with low riser will make them easy to climb. The hay does a marvelous job keeping the cords from getting muddy.
deck pic Looks like a mess to me.
deck pic The pergola posts and a deck post next to a stair rail post. Not cut to height yet.

This is all I have up to now, but I will try to keep up with the pictures and the story.

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